Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) by Torrance
TTCT was developed to identify and evaluate an individual’s creative potential at any point in their life, from Kindergarten through Adulthood. Torrance had always been interested in children’s creativity and wanted to help them fulfill their potential. To do this, the first step was to define creativity and develop creativity measurement.

Creativity defined by Torrance
Torrance defined creativity as "a process whereby one becomes aware of problems, difficulties, gaps in information, missing elements, and disharmonies for which he has no learned solution; searches for clues in the situation and in existing knowledge; formulates hypotheses or possible alternative solutions; tests these hypotheses, modifies and retests them; and communicates the results" (Torrance, 1968, p. 10).
Torrance, E. P. (1968). Minnesota Studies of Creative Behavior: 1958-1966. The Creativity Research Institute of the Richardson Foundation, Inc.

The TTCT-Figural is scored on:
Abstractness of Titles
Resistance to Premature Closure
13 Creative Strengths

The TTCT-Verbal is scored on: